Terms & Conditions



Fourcorners B.V. is registered with the Chamber of Commerce Gelderland Midden,The Netherlands Europe under File No 09130724.


Although Fourcorners has obtained the information provided from sources that should be considered reliable, it cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The information provided is purely of an indicative nature and is subject to change without notice at any time.


The information provided does not confer any rights. Four Corners cannot guarantee that the website does not contain errors or that it will remain accessible without interruption. Neither Fourcorners nor any other provider of information accepts any liability for the content of this site or sites or for any information provided on or via them. Fourcorners accepts no liability whatsoever for the content of sites that it does not maintain itself and to which it provides links from its own sites or from which links are provided to its own sites.


The person retrieving information is responsible for its selection and all aspects of its use. The person retrieving the information is obliged to follow all instructions from Fourcorners concerning its use.

All texts, photos and films produced by Fourcorners, are subject to copyright. This information may only be used by the person retrieving it. No part of the content of this website may be copied. All copyrights, including those within the meaning of Section 15 of the Copyright Act, are reserved. Hence, the person retrieving the information may not transfer, duplicate, process or distribute it without prior consent in writing from Fourcorners B.V. Dutch law shall apply.



These conditions apply to all agreements entered into, including but not limited to commitments to create designs and / or productions and / or remittances or dispositions of audio-visual productions, that proceed from the agreement entered into upon which these conditions have been declared applicable. They also apply to all agreements that stem from commitments agreed upon between parties afterwards, other actions or pre-contractual legal relations. Furthermore, they apply to all commitments that stem from actions taken with regard to said agreements, actions or pre-contractual legal relations.


Fourcorners BV composes its quotations based on an estimation of the expected and required labour-hours for project-preparation, filming, editing, use of material and other project-related matters. Fourcorners BV determines these hours in all reasonability. However, it may happen that a commissioner has additional desires during the production that have not yet been taken into account in the original quotation. These additional hours will be charged, based on a set hour-rate, on top of the total fee, agreed upon in the original quotation. Unless agreed upon otherwise. All presented quotations are excluding 21% VAT.

Travel and lodging

All costs made for travel and lodging are considered additional costs and will therefore not be included in the quotation. These additional costs will be separately added to the final invoice. Fourcorners BV uses a compensation of € 0.30 per driven kilometre, measured from Fourcorners BV HQ to the location of the shoot and back again.


For music that is used in a video production, copyrights will have to be paid to author’s rights organisation Buma Stemra. These copyrights are additional costs that will not be included in the quotation. The amount of the copyrights is determined by official Buma Stemra foundation and will be added to the final invoice.


Some productions will make use of one or multiple voice-overs, or recorded voices. The costs of the voice-overs are considered additional costs and will be added to the final bill. Unless agreed upon otherwise.


Concepts, ideas, proposals and voice-over texts produced for a principal are subject to copyright and will formally and legally remain the property of Fourcorners BV. In the instance of violation or abuse of this copyright, Fourcorners BV holds the organisation or the individual concerning the violation or abuse, responsible. This liability entails legal consequences. All Fourcorners BV productions are subject to copyright. A Fourcorners BV production may not be duplicated, reproduced or processed without prior consent from its maker, Fourcorners BV. If desired, a buy-out of the copyrights may be agreed upon with Fourcorners BV.

Conditions of Payment

All invoices shall be paid for by the commissioner under the conditions of payment as stated on the invoice. In the absence of any specific conditions as such, the commissioner shall pay within fourteen days after the date of billing for the work done. Every payment serves to fulfil the oldest outstanding invoice.

Exceptions of Liability

Fourcorners BV cannot be held accountable for damage, either direct or collateral, originating in whichever manner, stemming from or relating to the use of information, products or services that are offered through this website. Fourcorners BV disclaims all liability with regard to malfunctioning, viruses and other imperfections as a result of access to or the use of this website, the information it provides, the interception, manipulation or any other abuse of information that is provided by Fourcorners BV to our principals through the website or by email, the loss of data, saving or using video files provided on this website, or claims by third parties with regard to the use of this website. The exception of liability also includes chairmen and employees of Fourcorners BV.

Governing law

This website and all content it contains (including our disclaimer and conditions) are governed by Dutch law. The exclusive jurisdiction and venue with regard to disputes connected with this website and its contents are the applicable courts in the Netherlands.


Fourcorners BV reserves the right to change the information provided on this website (including the text of our disclaimer and conditions) at any time without giving prior notice. We advise you to check this disclaimer and our conditions on a regular basis, in order to stay up to date with regard to possible changes.